Tuesday, May 09, 2006

An Update

Just so you know, I haven't gone anywhere. I've just taken up shop in another corner of the blogosphere. And, it's good news.

I've been hired freelance to blog for a media company. I will be blogging as frequently as possible, sometimes 4 or 5 posts per day. Needless to say, I've become too busy to update this blog like I used to.

I'll still try to update things as I think they warrant, but the goal of business blogging is to generate business. I have accomplished my goal. Please feel free to visit my newest endeavor at: www.analyzethisbusiness.com. It's a blog devoted to looking at issues that affect business. From technology to government involvement, and everything in between. Hope you like it.

You're still welcome to contact me at: ghostblogging@veritymedia.com.

"Gone fishin'".....sort of.


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