I Mean, Who Really Is Blogging?
Some interesting thoughts from a blogging 'summit' recently held (emphasis mine):Bob Wyman, CTO of PubSub, is trying to explain to the audience what the point is of blog search tools like PubSub, BlogPulse and Technorati. I like the way he puts it: "For the first time you have an open, trackable conversation." In other words the babble of the blogosphere can be analyzed. If you (a company) listen carefully, you will learn what people are talking about, what they're interested in and what they want to hear about. And then YOU will know what to write about, rather than issuing a press release once a month because you think you should.
...was given 48 hours to design and launch the blog for Boeing VP Randy Baseler after getting "the blogging phone call." Audience members nodded at this. Seems both managers and techies are getting "the call" from top management to "get into this blog thing."
Blogging: it's not just for techies anymore. ghostblogging@veritymedia.com.
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