Thursday, March 02, 2006

Some More Do's And Don'ts Of Corporate Blogging

Just to make sure that readers of this blog don't think I'm a one note samba, here's some reinforcement for some of my views. In an article written by Matthew Boyle, staff writer at FORTUNE magazine, reported on, he says:
If you cannot find something to blog passionately about, your blog will be no more than a corporate PR organ. For technology companies, that's easy -- software makers like Microsoft and Intuit (makers of Turbo Tax) both have legions of knowledgeable users eager to talk about their products. But what if you make, say, cooking oil, or dust mops?

In that case, learn what your customers care about (it could be nutrition, or home improvement) and figure out a way to participate in that conversation credibly. Stonyfield Farm, for example, talks about personal health and parenting -- hot topics for the customers of its natural yogurts.

Finding out what interests your customers is a normal part of a company's due diligence. Getting their views on you, your products, and your company is crucial.
The best part about blogging is that it's a conversation. Absorb what people have to say, and reply to their comments. "It's the ultimate zero cost focus group," says Debbie Weil, author of "The Corporate Blogging Book." "My policy is never to delete comments, even ones I disagree with," says Microsoft's Scoble. "I want our customers to feel free to tell us what they think."

What they say is what you need to hear, even if you don't want to hear it! Let us help you listen.


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