A Business That Gets Business Blogging!
Outstanding!This is exactly how a blog can be used by a business. They're not a Fortune 500 company, or a technology giant. They're just a group of entrepreneurs utilizing a technology to build their business. What a novel concept.
Take a look at this blog and learn something.
Great job Ventura County Realtors!
Thanks for noticing our blog. We try to get tid bits of information out about changes in real estate law and market conditions. We weren't sure where we were going with the blog when we started over a year ago. But, we've received lot's of positive feedback from clients that have been able to use some of the information in buying or selling their own home. It's been an investment of time on our part to write the blog, but very much worth it.
I enjoyed your blog. It's nice to hear that business and blogging is catching on. Keep spreading the word!
Hope Goss
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